Netscape is alive!
Back when internet was still young, Netscape was everyone favorite web browser.
12 year passed by, I thought it has extincted.
But someone out there is still using it.
Kudos to you for still using it.
This remind me of the ancient civilization of Friendster.
Internet Archaeologists Find Ruins Of 'Friendster' Civilization
R.I.P Friendster civilization 2003-2007 .. and AOL, Hi5, Myspace, Google+
p/s: if video broken... click link to watch the news coverage :D
Friendster should now be called Gamester
They're pretty much game platform now. But I'm still surprised if anyone actually play them.
lol google+ dead already? thats pretty harsh of u :p
@raimi: dont want to disturb a forgotten civilization
@shogunn: Google+ exists cause google doesnt want to kill it yet
Friendster :(...
y u no exist anymore
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