Saturday, December 10, 2011

Free skype app for Blackberry

I love Skype! For me, it's the best IM.
If you’re a Skype user and a BlackBerry owner then it’s no news to you that in order to use Skype services from your BlackBerry you have to use third party apps that aren’t half as good as the official Skype app you see on other OS. Unless you're a Verizon Wireless user, then you have nothing to argue about.

It's quite hard to find any free 3rd party for Skype. Aside from  im+ app, Ive stumble upon IMO and it work far much better then im+. As a third party application, it do have it's downturn.

p/s: Oovoo sux. it's a ripoff of skype

Credits: n4bb

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