Sunday, November 20, 2011

Student life

AAAHHHHHH! being a Student is so much fun. Life is so carefree. You're jobless money-sucker-parasite yet both of your parent are proud & love you. Nothing really matter except for a few love problem, friendship and examination. Fuck examination, as if anyone really cares about it though.  Student life will always follow these steps:

1.      Enjoy!
2.      Sit for examination (SPM)
3.      Enjoy!
4.      Get the result
5.      Cry & weep over spilled milk for a couple of days
6.      Return to normal state, Enjoy!
7.      Then beg your parent to enroll you into some crap course in some crap collage cause your result is so fucked up
8.      First PTPTN income, Enjoy Gile Babi!!
9.      Repeat step 1 to 6
10.  Graduate
11.  Enjoy!
12.  Finally (or probably) realize how doom you are in the working world.
13.  Meh, fuck that. ENJOY!!

OR you can always choose two:

1 comment:

comel said...

challenged accepted!

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