Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Pity the fools

Ever since Facebook enable sharing link application, millions of user kept sharing and spamming all sort of links. It's irritating especially those who share grotesque pictures.Kamon la! there are children on FB!
But the best part is... watching those mindless people sharing and enrage over some shared link without knowing the fact they were fed by the troLOLOLLllll

For example... this picture. For those who dont get it, its a comparison picture of Islamic leader doing their Hajj Pilgrimage . (oh yea!, i dont like politic. as long as the politician doesn't disturb me and my needs, im Ok. )
With only one glance of this pic, it's enough to make Malaysian citizen erupt with rage, QQing how double standard our prime minister is.Congratulations! you've been fed by some politic trolls!

If you're a medic, engineering, or whatever science related major, i bet you've been thought never to trust an information or distribute any information without any reference or citation from a trusted source. ( unless you've flunk out before finishing your final year project)

so here are some reference for you:
. ....

this is the best video clip that i can find so far....

Conclusion: nvr trust the internet... and Ahmadnajed loook so awesome!

credits: ShiaChat ,President , MHER news,


-skEM- said...

walaweh yuna!!! thanks for sharing this...

YuNaKu3 said...

:D no prob.. da ler lama xupdate blog @@~

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